Website update: New dashboard makes it easier for you to access all your content

Your Content in your Dashboard

We are excited to showcase our new website. The main focus of this iteration was to increase the ease with which members engage on the website. With the new user dashboard, members of the kpakpakpa network now have full access to their content in a neatly-organized dashboard. This reduces the confusion that some of our members have complained about in the past. Here are some highlights.

  • Full Access to all your content (questions, answers & articles) in a neatly organized & personalized dashboard.

Your Content in your Dashboard



  • “My Research Center” – Ask questions directly from your dashboard without visiting other sections of the website.

Ask questions directly from your dashboard


  • Your questions will be saved and sorted in your question’s page. You can edit and delete your questions.

Your questions saved in the dashboard


  • “My Channel” – Publish articles directly from your dashboard.

Pblish articles directly form your dashboard


  • Your dashboard will be saved and sorted in your article’s page. You can edit and delete your articles as you please.

Your articles are stored in your dashboard


  • “What’s New” – This section at the bottom of the dashboard gives you access to the latest questions and articles in the community.

What's new section in the dashboard

Question's Page

Articles from around the community


  • Mobile-friendly – Since a lot of our members use the website on their mobile phones, we made sure this website was mobile-friendly with easy access to the dashboard and side menu.

Mobile-Friendly Dashboard


We can’t wait to hear what you think about the new website.

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